
Monday, December 5, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Cookies: Day 3

   You've may have seen them before.  You may have eaten them before.  But if you've never made them from scratch, you don't know what you're missing.  They are, indeed, Snickerdoodles.  I got this recipe from Mom who got it from one of her cookbooks.  Behold now, as I launch into a rambling soliloquy on how these were one of the many highlights of my childhood.  And how the smell of these baking brings me back to the balmy, glided afternoons of my youth.  About cherished memories of my brother and I rolling dough and dusting sugar.  And dewy mornings spent prancing barefoot through fields of flowers toward herds of wild snickerdoodles... Ahhh... Wild snickerdoodles... *sigh...*

I wasn't kidding about the rambling...  

These are yummy.  You will like them.

1 C butter
1 1/2 C sugar + 2 T
2 eggs
2 3/4 C flour
2 t cream of tarter
1 t baking soda
1/4 t salt
2 t cinnamon

Cream butter, 1 1/2 C sugar and eggs till fluffy.  Combine flour, cream of tarter, baking soda, and salt in a separate bowl, and slowly add to creamed mixture till well blended.  Wrap dough in plastic wrap and store in the fridge for 30 minutes.  Combine cinnamon and remaining 2 T sugar in a small dish or plate.  Divide the dough into balls and roll in sugar mix.  Bake 12-15 minutes at 375°.

They're crispy.  They're chewy (if you eat them while they're still hot).  They're happiness on a plate.  They freeze well too, so make them early if you need to!  My boys loved helping with these so they're great for a family project.  If you happen upon a wild herd, approach carefully and bring a net.  Snickerdooleus yummifera can be pretty wily... Fortunately, the domesticated version here (Snikerdooleus getinmahbelliana), is pretty darn docile...

Now quick!  Rush over and visit Cara at Fork and Beans for her vegan gluten free version! (Get out of here while you still can...)


  1. You are way too funny for your own good :) Loving the Snickerdooleus names. haha

  2. This is what happens when the only time you can find to edit your posts is after midnight... Hah! =)

  3. I love snickerdoodles and haven't made them in years. Thanks for sharing your recipe and inspiring me!

  4. Thanks, Hannah! They are yummy, aren't they?! =)

  5. Chewy snickerdoodles? I've never had chewy ones. :)

  6. They are chewier the more fresh they are. Even if they turn out crunchy, you won't be disappointed, Michelle!

  7. Mrs. Crackers, please read through the directions to see if you would like to make some modifications; you may have been in a Snickerdoodle coma when you wrote them. Feel free to delete this post if you wish, I won't be offended! I plan to try your beloved Snickerdoodle recipe soon... looks delish...

    1. Thanks, Cindy! I forgot the baking soda! I rephrased the entire section. I hope you find it a little more readable now!
