
Friday, January 17, 2014

Well, it took me long enough...

     A belated Happy New Year to all you fine folks out there!  We've been through the wringer since Christmas!  We had friends out the week after Christmas and my family has been sick ever since.  We're still sick.  I think I can honestly say between ER visits, doctor's offices, and trips to Urgent Care, our family has spent an entire 24 hour period being scrutinized by a physician.  I'm beginning to think this is just how our life is going to be.  We're just going to grow roots into the couch, facial tissue will fuze to our clammy, feverish palms and we will drain gross things out our nose holes for the rest of time.  My husband ended up with an entire head infection, the boy's have had two colds already, and I think there's a good chance I've got an ear infection flaring up.  Seriously?  What the fnob?!  So there you go.  We've been eating a lot of whatever I can scratch together from stuff in the pantry.  It's not pretty.

     I signed us up for a flow cookie decorating class in a fit of insane optimism before I resigned myself to being sick for all eternity.  The date of which happened to coincide with a temporary slow-down in face drainage so we went.  And let me preface this with: There was A LOT of hand washing. We tried really hard not to share.

We learned how to make an outline, fill it in, make spiderwebs, flowers, hearts, Christmas trees and how to use luster dust.  The boys were naturals!   I really want to take the advanced class soon.

There were adults and kids taking this class, my youngest is 6, but the instructor said they've even had 3's in class!  She was just as comfortable instructing the kids as she was showing the adults what's up.  I couldn't be more impressed.

 My youngest was very prolific.  He made two boxes worth of cookies!

My eldest made lots of cookies, too and this guy was my favorite of the day.  The best skull and crossbones EVAR!

Most of these are mine.  It was a fun day.  I hope we can do it again soon, but in the mean time, if you need me, I'll be honkin' and blowin' on my couch.

   If you would like to take a class and live in the Bothell, WA area, Dawn's Candy and Cake is the place to do it.  She's got lots of reasonably priced classes on candy making, cake decorating, cookie decorating and there is even a cake decorating club that meets there regularly!  And when it's time to try it at home, she can hook you up with everything you need, handy, right?  This is not a paid advertisement, I just believe in supporting local business!


  1. I'm sorry you guys are enduring pestilence and disease. That's no fun. OK, on to the cookies: that icing is so shiny!! Did she give a recipe? Mine is more matte. Was it still shiny like that when it cured? I want shiny cookies. Tell me the secrets!!!

    1. These are still wet. They did go matte when they dried. Now, this recipe has meringue powder in it. When I ice cookies at home, I only use powdered sugar and milk which tends to be slightly shinier. Some recipes use corn syrup, not sure what effect that has on the sheen, but I suspect that may be your answer.

  2. My go-to recipe is powdered sugar, a little corn syrup, and milk. The more corn syrup you use the shinier it is, but it's still not "shiny". They're still matte when dry, but I guess they have a "sheen". I got all excited when I saw yours were shiny, but if they were still wet then they should be shiny!!
