
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's Passover Time Again...

Aaaaannnd... I'm still not Jewish.  But I have a special place in my heart for the Jewish people and traditions, especially Passover.  The Seder meal is one of the most beautiful things I've ever been involved in.  So much tradition and symbolism...  It's lovely.  *sigh...* 

Matzoh bread is extraordinarily simple to make ingredient-wise, for obvious reasons.  If you want to make them super duper kosher find directions at ehow.

I got this recipe online years ago, but it apparently originally came from this book.

Homemade Matzoh
2 C all-purpose flour
1 C whole wheat flour
Spring Water

Preheat oven to 450°.  Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper.  Mix the flours together.  Add water till you have a soft kneadable dough.  Knead about 5 minutes.  Let rest 2 minutes.  Break off an egg-sized portion of dough.  Stretch as thinly as possible before rolling into oval slabs that are as thin as possible.  Prick each slab with a fork.  Place on baking sheet and as spoon as sheet is filled, placed in oven, and bake until crisp and buckled, about 3 minutes.  Cool and eat.


  1. Matzoh looks really simple to make! I have never heard of it so sorry for the ignorance, but what do you serve it with?

    1. Matzoh plays a role in the traditional Jewish Seder meal where it is eaten as part of the Seder plate. It is also often used in additional food such as kugel (a sweet or savory dish which can be made many different ways, but is similar to a casserole) sometimes the crackers are ground up and made into matzoh meal which is traditionally used to make Matzoh Ball Soup, which I posted a vegetarian recipe for last year. In our house, since we are not Jewish, we like to eat them with many different things like soup and even Indian food! And actually, many Christian churches I have attended will use them as part of their Communion ceremony as well.

  2. I love that you make homemade matzah! And yours looks so much more appealing and tasty than what we pull out of a box. I made it with my boys when they were little and I should do it again - thanks for the inspiration! We're eating lots of it right now (matzah lasagna for dinner tonight).

    1. Thanks, Hannah! Matzoh lasagna sounds great! Do you just replace noodles with matzoh?

  3. How about converting for the sake of the blog, eh? How many Passovers are going to pass us by and you are still not Jewish??? :)But you are right, the Seder meal *is* such a beautiful tradition!

    1. Not planning on converting any time soon... Though I have had more than one Jewish friend say that I keep more kosher than they do... =)
