
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Crackers on the Couch Culinary Academy...

On Mother's Day, my oldest son (who's 6) decided to make me breakfast in bed.  He brought me a hand full of raw almonds, an apple, a sandwich with jam on it "with no peanut butter because I couldn't find it," a biscuit with jam on it, and a glass of water with lemon in it.  (That was really great water!)  All week he has been sharing everything he eats with anyone who will take it including the cat and people passing by on the street.  OK, not really on that last one, but he did share his cookie with three different kids at lunch today...

This morning, this was waiting for me on the kitchen table:

It's a "MI-NOO."  And yes, the logo is an oven with smoke coming out of it.  He has clearly been paying attention in this house...

Inside was a mouthwatering assortment of breakfast items.  Cereal, peanut butter and jam sandwich, an orange, a banana, peanut butter and jam on a different kind of bread, hot milk, two eggs, grapes, an apple, and toast.

     He has been watching me cook and photograph our food for the past year now, and has recently become very interested in the whole thing.  Today my budding chef learned how to make toast.  He fed our whole family a breakfast of buttered toast that he cooked all by himself!  Naturally, I photographed it!

He is so proud!

Buttering it up.

Toast.  In all its buttery glory...

He was so proud he even made himself a toque!

If you look closely, you can see the puffy lines he drew for the top.  (I gotta get those kids some new markers...)

Mr. 4 wanted to be a waiter, but didn't want to stand still for a photo.  Instead of holding the towel like I wanted him to, he stuffed it into the back of his shirt and ran off shouting, "I'm SUPER waiter!!"   

     Like any good chef, Mr. 6 is constantly updating his menu (he's been at it all day, I never know what's going to appear next!)  So far, he has mostly picked food he can actually prepare himself.  He's downstairs right now making some last minute adjustments.  I know who's helping me with dinner tonight!


  1. Okay, he is SUCH a stinkin' cutie!!! I love this post so much--it's putting such a smile on my face. And toast is the perfect start to learning how to cook. You must be such a proud mama!

    1. I know, right?! So proud I took pictures of toast... =) Lol!

  2. this is the cutest dang thing on the whole interwebs! love it!

    1. Hi, Darla! Great to see you here! Just peeked at your site, that vanilla tutorial is hardcore awesome!

  3. "I'm SUPER waiter!!" lol!! So sweet :) You have 2 adorable little chefs at home!

    1. Thanks, Chinmayie! They're both pretty super if I do say so myself! =)

  4. You have a gifted, creative and promising little boy...who happens to be so sweet and observant too. He looks so confident and so graceful in the kitchen. These toasties are the best!

    1. We are quickly reaching maximum capacity on toast. He is so extremely proud. Last night he helped with everything except cutting the onions. He rocked it!

  5. I love your Mother's Day breakfast!! What a cutie. It's marvelous he's inspired to be in the kitchen and create - sounds like a delicious future! And a waiter, too? You are all set. Terrific pictures, too.

    1. I'm glad to see him so interesting in cooking. His other major passion is science and really, when you come down to it, there's a lot of chemistry in cooking. He loves experimenting so practicing in the kitchen is like one big baking soda volcano waiting to happen!

  6. that is one sweet mothers day:) i agree .. this is the cutest post on the interwebs today!

    1. Thanks, Richa! =) One can never start one's day with too much jam...

  7. Hi Brooke, I just found you on foodgawker. Your photos are wonderful! Can you tell me what type of camera you use?

    1. Hi Lauren! Thanks! I use a Nikon D70 that I've had for years. I got a 50mm lens a few months ago, so most of the newer stuff is shot with that. The older posts were shot with an 18-70mm and every now and then (most recently the Hawai'i trip) I'll photograph with a point-and shoot, but those aren't really much to write home about... Glad to see you here! Hope to see you again some time!

  8. What a cutie! Cant wait until my oldest can make me breakfast in bed.. that should be interesting :)

  9. Replies
    1. And he still makes us toast on a regular basis! =)
