Tuesday, February 28, 2012

All the World is Waiting for YOOOOOOU!

     I think every single little girl who lived anywhere near the 1970's wanted to be Wonder Woman.  Linda Carter was kick-ass.  I lived in rerun-ville (the 80's) but that didn't diminish her hindquarters kicking ability in the least.  I mean, my gosh!  Bullet stopping bracelets?  A magic lasso?  The Invisible Plane?  And the ability to spin around really fast and not throw up?  COME ON!!!  You know you so wanna be her! 

     As soon as I thought of Batman Soup, I knew I totally had to do Wonder Woman.  Wonder Woman Watermelon soup.  Word.

Wonder Woman Watermelon Soup
Yield: 4 servings
4-5 C seedless watermelon
1 pt. raspberries
8 oz strawberries
1 mango, in four slices

Blend watermelon, raspberries, and strawberries in a blender until thoroughly liquified.  Slice the mango and cut the logo shape with a knife or just chop it in to small pieces.  Ladle soup into bowls and place or sprinkle mango.  If you want, you can refrigerate it for a few hours beforehand (up to overnight).

 This makes a great smoothie, too!

The boys went nuts for it!  They loved the "W" and they thought soup was a great, chilly dessert!  Hope to see you all again for day three of Soup-erhero Week!


  1. You are Wonder Woman! Now I have the song in my head. Beautifully colorful and fun soup!

    1. Thanks, Suz! I have totally been humming that song all week! Lol! =D

  2. YES! Linda Carter--now *that* is my girl! What I would give to look that great in a leotard and arm guards :) I love love love how you got the "W"-shaped cheese rocking in the soup. Something tells me that you are a very artsy kind of gal... Do you paint or draw?

    1. Linda had (has) it goin' on for sure. That's not cheese, though, lady! It's mango! I'm not super artsy, though. Let's just say it's a good thing superhero logos are pretty simple... =)

  3. Now this is my kind of soup! I am sure I will love it!

    1. I bet everything in this is in season in your neck of the woods, too!

  4. this is the super coolest super hero soup!! love that mango wonderwoman!

    1. Thanks, Richa! The mango is my favorite part! (flavor-wise, too!)


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